About Me

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I am a student of the wonderful University of Michigan. I study Secondary Education focused in English and my minor is in the TCP as well, only in History. On my time off, I like to watch movies and knit, crochet, needle point, draw and other things crafty in nature, those are the four I do the most though.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Pencil Drawings

  I know it has been a while since my last post, and I also know, I don't have many followers to care about how often I post, but I figure I'm going to do it anyways because I like to. :)
  First, before I get into one of my favorite of my drawings, I would like to explain why it has been so long since my last post. First off, the semester at the university was coming to and end, which is always stressful and filled with homework and sleep. Secondly, I had an issue with my apartment situation so I moved, to a place that had a very unreliable internet connection, then my car broke down so I had to move back in with my parents, while I waited for my uncle to fix her. Now, my situation is a little more stable for the next couple of months; I will be staying with my parents until about August when I will be moving in again with my Besssstest friend ever, Jessica. She's wonderful, and most likely will be featured here in my blog in the future, because she also is passionate about some crafts. She makes beautiful necklaces and other beaded items that I would love to show off. Also, she is just all around and awesome person that EVERYONE should know about. :)

  Well anyways, on to the point of this post. Drawing.

   This picture was an ad I found in a magazine a couple summers ago that I liked so much I just had to draw it. I did it with an ebony pencil for the shading, but normally I just use regular old #2 pencil because they are cheap and easy to come by.

I know this isn't the best drawing ever, but it is still one of my favorites of mine, and I hope you enjoy it too. :) As always, have fun with what you are doing, there is no point in doing anything crafty unless you enjoy it!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Oil Pastel

        Hello again. I have spent the past couple weeks trying to decide which craft I should talk about, and I have decided to do a piece from when I was back in high school. This is an 18x24 oil pastel of Marilyn Monroe that I drew and colored. It took me about a week from start to finish, but the time spent, I think, payed off. With this I only used three different colors/shades; I used black, white, and a pale tan.
       If you are working with oil pastels for the first time I recommend only using a few colors, trying to use too many colors can become a mess on your hands as well as the paper. Blending with oil pastels can either be really easy for you, or can become your worst enemy, my only advise is, if you really enjoy working with this media just keep at it, and eventually it will come to you.
      Again, I will just say that it is best to just have fun with this, using a picture to copy as your own can be fun, or making random patterns or pictures from your mind can also be interesting. I recommend that everyone try this at one point or another in their life, I enjoyed it very much and would have continued if not for money problems. Enjoy!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Just how I wear the scarf, but can be worn however you please.
     Today, I am going to talk about knitting. I am a self-taught knitter so I know how difficult it can be to understand certain stitches while learning. I recommend that if you are trying to learn that you watch youtube videos, maybe a couple times just to really get it down.
     This is one of my first knitting adventures and a present to myself for the use of keeping my neck warm. :) It is very simple to make, I believe anyone can do it. With this scarf I used two skeins of thick black Lion Brand yarn and size 15 needles. I did fifteen stitches alternating between a knit and a purl stitch to get that braided affect on both sides. If you do only knit stitches you will get the braided look on one side, but the other side will be a funny looking lined pattern; making it not reversible. It is a very heavy and, in turn, warm scarf, it would make a great gift idea, or just something to wrap around your own neck. Either way, I enjoyed making it, and it wasn't too long of a process. It took me about six hours of work total, over a span of two days.
       It's approximately seven feet long, for the use of knotting it around my neck rather than wrapping it, which I find to be uncomfortable and tight on my neck. Of course with every craft the creator is just that, the creator, and can make changes where they see fit. Just go with it, I say, make something fun, something simple, or just about anything. I personally find knitting to be a great pastime activity, or something to do that doesn't take too much of your attention while you are watching a movie or TV.
Looks the same on both sides, making it reversible.

Stretched to see the full effect of the knit/purl look
I hope you enjoy, if you have any kind of craft you would like me to try and cover or maybe a question, feel free to comment. I would not mind the feedback at all. Tell me how I am doing. :D

Thursday, February 10, 2011


In this blog I will talk about my various encounters with crafts and my own adventures with them. I will talk about knitting, crocheting, art work, needle work, and pretty much any kind of craft that catches my attention. I will share my own crafts, some crafts that my friends are willing to allow me to use, as well as interesting things I find on my excursions on the internet. I really hope you enjoy. :D