About Me

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I am a student of the wonderful University of Michigan. I study Secondary Education focused in English and my minor is in the TCP as well, only in History. On my time off, I like to watch movies and knit, crochet, needle point, draw and other things crafty in nature, those are the four I do the most though.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Pencil Drawings

  I know it has been a while since my last post, and I also know, I don't have many followers to care about how often I post, but I figure I'm going to do it anyways because I like to. :)
  First, before I get into one of my favorite of my drawings, I would like to explain why it has been so long since my last post. First off, the semester at the university was coming to and end, which is always stressful and filled with homework and sleep. Secondly, I had an issue with my apartment situation so I moved, to a place that had a very unreliable internet connection, then my car broke down so I had to move back in with my parents, while I waited for my uncle to fix her. Now, my situation is a little more stable for the next couple of months; I will be staying with my parents until about August when I will be moving in again with my Besssstest friend ever, Jessica. She's wonderful, and most likely will be featured here in my blog in the future, because she also is passionate about some crafts. She makes beautiful necklaces and other beaded items that I would love to show off. Also, she is just all around and awesome person that EVERYONE should know about. :)

  Well anyways, on to the point of this post. Drawing.

   This picture was an ad I found in a magazine a couple summers ago that I liked so much I just had to draw it. I did it with an ebony pencil for the shading, but normally I just use regular old #2 pencil because they are cheap and easy to come by.

I know this isn't the best drawing ever, but it is still one of my favorites of mine, and I hope you enjoy it too. :) As always, have fun with what you are doing, there is no point in doing anything crafty unless you enjoy it!

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